rtpmidid 23.12 released – midirouter edition
I've been working for several months on the next version of rtpmidid, and finally, it's time to unleash it. In brief, I rewrote the entire server itself and fixed some…
I've been working for several months on the next version of rtpmidid, and finally, it's time to unleash it. In brief, I rewrote the entire server itself and fixed some…
Normally not even I use the C bindings for onion. C is a great language to focus on algorithms and details, but for web development its too DIY. Normally to…
TL;DR Onion python bindings are blazing fast! Introduction One of the points in making onion in C is to be able to easy create bindings to other programming languages. On…
TL;DR std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string,std::string>> data; std::string group; for(const auto &line: underscore::file(inifile)){ auto l=line.split('#',true)[0]; if (l.empty()) continue; if (l.startswith("[") && l.endswith("]")) group=l.slice(1,-2); else{ auto p=l.split('=',true); data[group][p[0].strip()]=l.slice(p[0].length()+1,-1).strip(); } } The power of underscore.hpp…
Recently for Garlic I added a basic Cron class: User can add a cron-like schedule specification and a std::function to execute, and it will wait until next operation needs to be executed, and…
Add some functional code to your C++! TL;DR Using underscore.hpp can save programming time and add memory requirements to your C++ projects. It allows easy list, string and file manipulation, using…
In this article I will dissect the onion benchmark as used on the FameworkBench benchmark suite. The version I'm dissecting is at http://bit.ly/18tdbOj. Some bugs were found in the benchmark code when writing this article…
Today a thought provoking benchmark was published at Hacker News: http://www.techempower.com/blog/2013/03/28/framework-benchmarks/. It compares several web frameworks and how they perform. How well does onion perform? I did a fast test program with onion to check…