Specialized embedded Linux software development
At Coralbits we are specialized at custom solutions based on GNU/Linux that require web access, and its embedded in your product. This is the perfect solution to manage the embedded hardware, and through our own Onion we can deliver lightweight solutions.
From applications that just give a file access on your hardware, to full control and monitor solutions, we can provide that HTML5 interface that differentiates your product. An HTTP interface is the solution to almost all communication problems to embedded devices, and a well designed and powerful solution is optimal.
Thanks to HTML5 technologies we are able to provide almost any kind of application with the advantage that it will be accesible from any device: personal computer with Linux, Windows or MacOSX, or your iPhone or Android phone, to name a few.
Some software made by us
- libonion – C Library to help development of embeded web servers.
- Onion Terminal – Web based Unix Terminal.
- AseqRC – Remote control to connect ALSA sequencer MIDI devices.